MNG Payments

Who is MNG Payments?

MNG Payments is a Financial Services Company.

What is the relationship between Manigo Services and MNG Payments?

MNG is a subsidiary of Manigo Services. Manigo Services is a technological services provider

What is MNG Payments registration information?

MNG PAYMENTS LIMITED is a UK Company registered with the registration number 13551573 and with the registration address
Level39 Tech Hub, One Canada Square, N/A, London, United Kingdom, E14 5AB.

If you feel that your rights or legitimate interests were infringed, kindly raise a complaint to and we will acknowledge your complaint no later than 24 hours from the moment you have sent it.

We ask you to provide us with your contact details as well as a detailed description of the reason for your complaint with supporting documentation.

If you find our decision not satisfactory you are entitled to contact the Financial Ombudsman Service. For further information, please refer to our complaint policy below.

Our main policies:

For other matters, feel free to reach out to